Trapping installation - Working Bee - Steele Creek and Mid Greenstone Hut
This is another great chance for new or inexperienced members to come along and learn with experienced Club Members. The Primary focus of this Working bee is to re-establish our trapping line in Steele Creek and do some minor track clearance work on the Steele Creek track, which has been significantly affected by past storms.
We will be working hard but we will also be playing hard as well and cater for all ages. This is a great chance to get to know fellow club members over a whisky/beer/wine or juice round the table at night.
These working bees are always a popular and fun event and give back to the community.
The Club has the Steele creek RHA Ballot from the 1st April to the 10th April as part of our management agreement with DOC so there is ample opportunity for hunting as well.
No firearms licence?
You are more than welcome to come along too - these are perfect opportunities to learn more in a safe and professional environment in a relaxed learning setting.
Work planned
We plan to achieve the following during this working bee
- Splitting firewood
- Minor remarking and clearing the tracks either side of the hut down to the respective loop track connections
- Re furbishing and checking/baiting the traps along the greenstone bush edge and steele creek valley
- Rebuild approximately 23 existing traps which are at the end of their service life and make them Kea proof.
- Trap - (Leg hold) for possums - so skins and fur are available if you would like to make some money.
- Eat, drink and be merry.....and of course some hunting!
It is pretty casual and we aim to make it social and its a great place to de-stress by working hard in the backcountry :-).
Hunting opportunities
We have access to the RHA balloted spots available up Steele Creek so if you are keen, we try our best to share these out among everyone helping out. So everyone gets a hunt in if they want one.
Getting there
Ideally walking in is preferred however we can arrange to fly gear in and out.
For $150 per adult each way; $50 per child each way and $30 for gear only, we can co-ordinate flights if there is a minimum of 4 pax per flight. This will be refined closer to the time.
Walking requires you to car pool and park at the Greenstone carpark and flying is from the Glenorchy airfield on the other side of the lake.
Even if walking, there is a small charge for the cost of club administration and safety equipment provided.
You must be a paid up current member of the club prior to attending the event.
New members/guests are welcome however they will need to join up as member of the club to get this pricing. If not then the cost of Heli flights is at full non discounted rate and a daily hut accommodation fee will apply and they will need to arrange their own general liability insurances prior to attending the event.
Normally flights will be determined based on when people are available as best possible so please let us know your flexibility for this.
Suggestions of Helicopters heading in/out:- NOTE these are not confirmed and will be based on those attending and what works best.
- Thursday 28th March
- Monday 1st April
- Friday 5th or Sat 6th April
- Wednesday 10th or Thurs 11th April.
- other dates on demand if ample numbers - state your intentions in the registration form so we can see what can be arranged.
What time does the heli fly?
Once we get closer to the time and have confirmed numbers we will email the times of the helicopters and further details.
What do I bring?
Your hunting gear, boots, hut shoe/slippers, gun security bits, food for you, clothes, towel, toiletries, sleeping bag/under sheet, working gloves, tools (will be advised closer to the time). A willingness to have fun, get dirty and enjoy being in the bush with like-minded people.
If someone wants to come in and be camp mother/father who sorts the dinners/ lunches/breakfasts for the team so they can not worry about it then, that would be fabulous, and we would coordinate a communal food menu.
So please book your leave with work now and register asap to secure your place on what will be very fun and rewarding trips.
There will be a zoom briefing session on Tuesday 26th March at 8pm, if you can't make it please let Dave Rider know before hand.