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  • Caples Meat Recovery & Management Hunt

Caples Meat Recovery & Management Hunt

  • 26 Jan 2024
  • 6 Feb 2024
  • Caples Valley


  • This cost includes membership for January & February

When: 2 or more nights between 26th Jan and 6th Feb 2024

Where: Caples Area (some camping, some at huts)

What: Harvesting deer and carrying out research

Who: Ideally those that are experienced in identifying deer (hinds/does versus spikers etc), have good butchery skills and got outdoor equipment as there will be camping involved


The rats and mice numbers in the valley is reported to be quite high therefore the Caples RHA (Recreational Hunting Area) is due to have 1080 dropped in it anytime late Feb or March. Both NZDA and the GAC (Game Animal Council) have requested deer repellent but due to funding, there is a high possibility that deer repellent won't be applied to the poison in this area. 

Therefore as it is anticipated that the drop will have a high by-kill of deer, DoC (the Department of Conservation) have approached us to harvest as much meat as possible before this valuable resource goes to waste. 

This is because there is a recommendation not to harvest meat after a 1080 drop. The timing of this 1080 drop will affect (and disappoint) the successful ballot winners for the RHA which starts in April.

Although hunting at this time of year (Summer) is normally NOT permitted (ballots only), DOC have offered us the opportunity to hunt however they have also asked us to provide extensive H&S protocols due to the high foot traffic hiking and fishing on the tracks at this time of year.

We are also going to try and find funding for helicopter meat recovery and looking at donating any excess meat hunters can't process to the local food charity Kiwi Harvest. 

This offer of hunting outside the normal hunting period has only been allowed following the successful Greenstone management hunts last year,  where we worked with Greenstone Station and the local DOC office to carry out a deer studies in the RHA

In order to avoid potential issues with current ballot holders, we will look at only shooting females (hinds and does) and collecting jaw bones and data from the kills as well as animal counts and other research.


This research continues to give us and the Department, a factual base line to build on and help with decision making in future years.

A further aim of this research would be to enhance the good working relationship we have with DOC (Department of Conservation) locally, reduce overpopulation-improve herd quality and support our case for Southern Lakes NZDA to oversee the ballot system and deer management in both the Caples and Greenstone RHA.

For the club and the future of hunting in the Greenstone/Caples RHA it is important to take this opportunity to laydown some research into the condition and numbers of the herds in the Greenstone/Caples Valley.


There is a small cost of $10 pp to cover admin costs /safety equipment and printing of maps etc.

Got a friend you know that would want to join you?
As all hunters need to be NZDA members, there is a guest price of $50 which covers their NZDA membership for the months of Jan & Feb.

We are anticipating walking to the hunting areas (Lower and Upper Caples) as we have long daylight hours at this time of year. We can stay in both the Lower Caples hut, our NZDA managed Upper Caples Hut and camping on the flats and tops. 

To land helicopters  in these Recreational Hunting Areas (RHA), we have to gain a special permission for landings which is not yet confirmed or guaranteed. If we do have this option, we will share the costs between the hunters if they choose to take it up. This normally comes to around $450-$500pp. 

We also want to be able to recover as much meat as possible and still looking at various options and ways to do that.

We will also try to applying for funding so unable to confirm yet if we can make it cheaper. 


When registering, the one off $10 admin fee will be due. If there are helicopters involved , the additional payment will be due at a later stage closer to the event. 

What to bring

We can cover the packing list in a briefing in the New Year and before going in but you need to be prepared for a multiday hunting trip and have the ability to cover some ground. You need to be confident and self sufficient over this time.

How to register

Registering your interest is the easiest way, Andy and Sharon will collect the names of parties interested and will be co-ordinating dates in the New Year

Please detail and include the dates or any extra information for when you are keen to head in.

This hunt will also be on offer to our sister branches in Wanaka and Alexandra too.

If we are over subscribed, preference will be given to those who  participated in the previous management hunts or have volunteered at working bees or fundraising events before.

What's next once registered?

Once registered, you will also be sent a link to the Whats App chat group for this hunt. We have used these in the past and they have been helpful connecting everyone on the hunt for shared rides, gear sharing and asking questions etc.

If you don't use Whats App, we will also send the information out via email and will have the usual Zoom briefing session in January - date to be confirmed.

In January, when everyone is back at work, there will be a management plan to read through and relevant Health and Safety documents. You must be a fully paid up member to participate

For further information or questions please contact Andy or Sharon 

Andy Pearson
027 292 5492

Sharon Salmons
021 942 328


Thanks to our supporters

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