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  • Greenstone Survey Management Hunt

Greenstone Survey Management Hunt

  • 20 Oct 2023
  • 4:00 PM
  • 29 Oct 2023
  • 4:00 PM
  • Greenstone Valley


Registration is closed


When: 2 nights between 13th October to 29th October 2023

Where: Greenstone Valley Area

What: Hunting for deer and carrying out research

Who: Ideally those that are experienced in identifying deer (hinds/does versus spikers etc), have good butchery skills and got outdoor equipment as there will be camping involved


This is management hunt organised by Andy Pearson and Shaun Moloney in conjunction with DOC and Greenstone Station.

Following the successful Greenstone management hunt in February, we are working with Greenstone Station and the local DOC office to carry out a further management hunt.

This management consists of shooting females (hinds and does) and collecting jaw bones and data from the kills as well as animal counts and other research.


This research will give us and the Department, a factual base line to build on and help with decision making in future years.

A further aim of this research would be to enhance the good working relationship we have with DOC (Department of Conservation) locally, reduce overpopulation-improve herd quality and support our case for Southern Lakes NZDA to oversee the ballot system and deer management in both the Caples and Greenstone RHA.

For the club and the future of hunting in the Greenstone/Caples RHA it is important to take this opportunity to laydown some research into the condition and numbers of the herds in the Greenstone/Caples Valley.

What is involved?

We are conducting a management hunt to reduce herd numbers and gather data on deer and bird present in the Greenstone catchment. Please don’t use the word “Cull”.

We will be targeting hinds, does and juveniles at foot.  Absolutely no antlered bucks or stags are to be shot.  If you can't identify your target you shouldn't be hunting. 

We have areas to target and ideally we are looking for groups that can either walk and then spend 3 days hunting or chopper in and hunt that area for a few days. Minimum of 2 nights during the allocated period.


There is a cost to cover the helicopter. This will be approximately $500p.  Last time NZDA National Office provided some funding for this research work and we were able to offer it at $340pp. We will be applying for funding again so unable to confirm if we can make it cheaper. We will know before you need to pay and confirm

What to bring

We can cover the packing list in a briefing before going in but you need to be prepared for a 2 night hunting trip and have the ability to cover some ground. You need to be confident and self sufficient over this time.

How to register

Register here is the best way as Andy will collect the names of parties interested and will be co-ordinating dates. Please register your interest and include the dates you are keen to head in. This hunt will also be on offer to our sister branches in Wanaka and Alexandra too

If we are over subscribed, preference will be given to those who indicated and paid for the previous management hunt that got cancelled due to snow

Once registered there will be a management plan to read through and relevant Health and Safety documents. You must be a fully paid up member to participate


Payment will be due at a later stage closer to the event, as these trips are weather dependant, dependant on enough interest and helicopter costs

For further information please contact Andy - evenings work best as he works nights

Andy Pearson 0272925492


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