Sat 18th Nov (FULL) & Sun 19th Nov*
*Original date was 11th Nov but this clashed with the Macetown trip
Mt Dewar station and DOC have allowed the club to do another goat shoot on the 4000 hectare Mt Dewar Station. As this is private land, this hunt is open to paid up members only for insurance purposes.
$15 pp this goes towards club costs* and we will help co-ordinate vehicle placement and pickup/share rides using station vehicles
The full 4000 hectares is available with interlinking tracks.
Due to the marathon and this carpark potentially full, please head up approx 2 km up Coronet Road and you will see a high vis vest on the left and a drive way. This will lead to a parking area. Please meet here at 9:00 am each morning then we will transit a short distance onto Mt Dewar Station for a briefing at 9:15.
We expect to finish around 3pm each day
Road closures
NB this weekend is the Queenstown Marathon and there are some road closures - see maps
Please indicate which dates you are keen to attend when you register

* Club costs include paying for the registration software, the credit card fees and website hosting fees, as well as printing costs for H&S, Maps and supplying safety equipment (inreach, PLB etc)