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  • Steele Creek and Greenstone - Trap Monitoring - December

Steele Creek and Greenstone - Trap Monitoring - December

  • 1 Dec 2024
  • 31 Dec 2024
  • Greenstone/Steele Creek Confluence


  • If you are not a member of the Club or NZDA then please register under this ticket type. we will be in touch with a final amount once we have processed your details. HOWEVER if you go to the "join" tab on our website and become a member then you will get all the benefits and free hut accommodation and multiple other benefits, then you can join this event as a member for free under the other ticket type :-)
  • Registration ticket for event if you are paid up NZDA Member

Registration is closed

The Club has a partnership with the Department of Conservation (DOC) to operate a predator trapping line in part of the Greenstone valley and Steele Creek Valleys.

The Trap Line needs to be checked and rebaited regularly and this event notification is to seek volunteers to undertake the next round of trap monitoring.

We will be rebaiting with Erayz Rabbit Jerky (no poisons) so pretty straight forward.

We will also be putting an additional 17 x DOC 200 box traps out in new locations so if you have experience with this type of installation then please come along. (or if you want to learn then come as well.)

Walk in and out only - no heli flights sorry.

all trap monitoring recording is done with the Trap NZ app so its easy and straight forward. Club will supply the bait for traps.  

This will involve standard rechecks and rebaiting of the single and double DOC200 box traps.  

We need to check the entire line at least once in December, however, would prefer several times over the month to maximise the kill potential. So its flexible for as to when you go in and with whom. If we are able to get multiple groups/people to do this a couple of times over December we should get a high hit rate, as typically kills are recorded with 5 days of fresh bait being placed. 

We will also need to conduct several 5 minute bird call counts along the line, so if you are able to undertake this then let us know and if you can train others then please contact Dave. 

No hunting in the blocks at this time but potential options for hunting the tops in the open hunting area.  

You can stay in the club hut for free with a guaranteed bed or at the Steele creek bivvy on a first come first served basis as it is an open backcountry hut.

Ideally over two nights to make it an enjoyable trip in and out but feel free to stay longer if you wish. we have internet (paid service) at the hut if you need to stay in touch with work/family. 

Thanks to our supporters

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