Working Bee and Hunting trip - Upper Caples Hut
This is a great chance for new members to go for a hunt with more experienced hunters and the chance to get to know a few club members over a whisky or beer round the table at night.
No firearms licence?
You are more than welcome to come along too - these are perfect opportunities to learn more
Work planned
We plan to achieve the following at the Upper Caples Hut
- Replace the existing fireplace and flue with a new one ( "the stag" from woodsman .. tee hee ...)
- Paint the outside of the hut.
- Paint the inside ceiling of the hut.
- fill and repair the existing holes in the internal floor surface
- Put down a new lino flooring of entire hut
- Install rigid isotherm fire retardant insulation under the floor including foam sealing all the edges
- Check and clean gutters and repair if necessary
- Split firewood ( the last bee cut hundreds of tree rings ready for splitting) Log splitter being flown in.
- Create a new sandfly proof door in the north side entrance and radio room area to create a small mud room for entry.
- Empty and clean rainwater tank
- Cleanout and rebuild water supply check dam and fix any water line breakages.
- Install second gas burner into bench
- Eat, drink and be merry..... and hopefully do some hunting too
It is pretty casual and we aim to make it social and its a great place to de-stress
Hunting opportunities
We currently are not permitted to hunt this area as it is outside the RHA ballot, however we are in negotiations with the land owner to see if there is an opportunity, so watch this space. Which is looking positive.
Getting there
We will have been in the Greenstone Hut the week before so want to try co-ordinate the helicopters around the same time people are coming out.
You can either fly in for a small fee from the Glenorchy airfield or walk in from the greenstone carpark. We normally helicopter in supplies and so there will be flights if you want to fly in. We are currently gathering names for those keen and will organise helicopters in ($100 each way - ADULT) or share rides etc see below for other flight options and costs for gear and Children.
Normally flights will be determined based on when people are available as best possible
Helicopters are heading in/out:-
- Friday 29th Sept
- Sat 30th Sept
- Sunday 1st Oct
- Wed 4th Oct
- Sun 8th Oct
- other dates on demand if ample numbers - email to discuss
Flights with the chopper for club members $100 each way so $200 return. Per person, these will leave and return from Glenorchy airport . If you walk in/out please provide these details on the registration form so we can coordinate car pooling from the carpark. This is very important if you want to fly one way and walk the other and also to make sure there is a bed available.
We will arrange a Greenstone to Caples flight on the 30th for those who want to go to both valleys/ and both huts. (no extra charge)
What time does the heli fly?
Once we get closer to the time and have confirmed numbers we will email the times of the helicopters and further details.
What do I bring?
Dave will let you know what tools to bring, but you will need a sleeping bag and your hunting gear. ear plugs for snorers etc. We will look to combine food etc. we try and do communal meals to make it easier as space is limited
If someone wants to come in and be camp mother/father who sorts the Dinners/ lunches/breakfasts for the team so they can not worry about it then, that would be fabulous
As it is School Holidays - Dave Rider will also be bringing in his two (well behaved) kids and doing outdoor survival and bush safety stuff for parts of the Greenstone (27-30) and Caples (1-4) so if you want to bring your young ones too to learn or learn for yourself then feel free to come along.
There will be a zoom briefing session on Sat 16th Sept at 7.30pm, if you can't make it please let Dave Rider know
So please book your leave with work now and register asap to secure you place on what will be very fun and rewarding trips.