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  • Greenstone Survey Management Hunt

Greenstone Survey Management Hunt

  • 24 Feb 2023
  • 4:00 PM
  • 26 Feb 2023
  • 4:00 PM
  • Greenstone Valley


Registration is closed

Greenstone Management Hunt

When:  February 24th February to 26th February 2023 
Where: Greenstone/Caples Valley Area

Meet Glenorchy airstrip 3pm Friday 24th Feb

Helicopters will collect from 1pm onwards on Sunday - Times TBC


This is management hunt organised by Shaun Moloney & Andy Pearson in conjunction with DOC

Following up on our weather affected management hunt in October 2022, our local DOC office have offered an opportunity to go into the Greenstone Valley and carry out some deer management.

This management consists of shooting females (hinds and does) and collecting jaw bones and data from the kills as well as animal counts and other research.

To the best of our knowledge no such research has been conducted in the past and any predictions on the number and conditions of the animals in the RHA (Recreational Hunting Area) are anecdotal at best. This research will give us and the Department, a factual base line to work from in future years.

A further aim of this research would be to enhance the good working relationship we have with DOC (Department of Conservation) locally and support our case for Southern Lakes NZDA to oversee the ballot system and deer management in both the Caples and Greenstone RHA.

We would like this to be the first of an annual DOC supported management plan leading to improved animal conditioning and more hunters getting out in the RHA.

For the club and the future of hunting in the Greenstone/Caples RHA it is important to take this opportunity to laydown some research into the condition and numbers of the herds in the Greenstone/Caples Valley.

The cost will be $340pp as there will be helicopter fly in/ fly out.  NZDA national office have approved assistance funding for this work as it would normally be $500+pp

If over subscribed, preference will be given to those who indicated and paid for the October management hunt that got cancelled due to snow

If you are interested, please read through the management plan and register your interest. 

Payment Payment will be due at a later stage closer to the event, as it is weather dependant and depends on enough interest

What is involved?
Meet at the Glenorchy airfield 3pm on the 24th Feb

We are conducting a management hunt to reduce herd numbers and gather data on deer and bird present in the Greenstone catchment. Please don’t use the word “Cull”.

We will be targeting hinds, does and juveniles at foot.  Absolutely no antlered bucks or stags are to be shot.  No excuses will be accepted.  If you can't identify your target you shouldn't be hunting.  

Emergency contact
Shaun will not be going into the area over the weekend, he will be remaining in the Glenorchy area over that weekend as the “point of contact” and will be available 24/7.  Please give his name and number to your family members/responsible person as the NZDA point of contact for the weekend.

SLBNZDA Hunting Activity Lead:   Shaun Moloney  phone  027 4421605 


Inreach address

Emergency Comms and GPS Tracking

Every hunter must carry an emergency locator beacon.  We have clubs ones you can borrow if you do not have one – please indicate this at registration.

You will all need to carry this at all times

If you don’t have a GPS please try to arrange to borrow one and become familiar with its use. Please don't turn up and say "Im using my watch"  To gather data we will need your GPS track log in a set format.
This is a research hunt so you will be required to run a GPS for the whole weekend except for sleeping time.  We will be downloading your track lines at the end of the weekend at the de-brief.  

Remember to bring spare batteries and/or powerbank for devices.

Please set your GPS’s on NZMG and WGS 84.  Delete all other track-lines if you are not able to separate them. We don’t need to know where you been except for this hunt.  

Data gathering and further info: 

Please arrange to be weighed at GY helicopters office in Glenorchy from 1pm onwards and no later than 2:30pm.  At 3pm we will brief you at the airport before flying you all in from 4pm onwards. 

Data we are looking to record

  • GPS marking all animals shot and noting species, sex, age, fat back index 
  • Removing retaining and tagging the lower jaw for veterinary inspection. 
  • Counting animals seen, their numbers, species and sex if possible.
  • Conducting bird surveys, we are particularly interested in kea, kaka and rock wren sightings. You will be asked to record these with times and approximate locations throughout the weekend 

Read and sign in advance

You will be asked to read and sign all the Heath and Safety and acceptance documents in advance, we will email these to you in advance of the hunt.

You will need to sign your Hunter Acknowledgement form before joining the hunt at the Glenorchy Airstrip.

What to bring

We will supply a gear list to help for the overnight fly camping .

Future dates

The weekend will be in the Greenstone Valley and if interest is high enough, we will plan the Caples valley a weekend after that .  
There may be an opportunity for any who wish to remain in their Greenstone hunting area beyond the 26th February however this will be arranged closer to the date as interest indicates.

Thanks to our supporters

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