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  • Dobson 4WD hunting trip

Dobson 4WD hunting trip

  • 13 May 2022
  • 15 May 2022
  • Ruataniwha Conservation Park


Registration is closed

After our last successful trip - we've planned another!

This hunt is for red deer and tahr,  with 4x4 driving and camping. (Maybe a fly in option if enough interested)

The hunting area is made up of a large riverbed with some flats to open beech forest to high alpine tops so something for everyone.

Hunters will be matched up depending on a number of important criteria on the day. Phil Wilson from Central Otago branch will be leading and organising the group.

WHO: This is a combined branch hunt from 3 NZDA branches : Upper Clutha, Southern Lakes and Central Otago and is aimed at those members either new to a branch and/or hunting, although experienced hunters more than welcome too.
If you are still awaiting your licence, you are more than welcome to join in too.

WHEN: 13th - 15th May

We will meet at the High Country Salmon Farm, 2602 Twizel-Omarama Road, (as per the map) 9am on Friday and weather and river permitting, we will depart at 3pm Sunday 

4WD access:
Great if you have your own 4WD however we hope to share rides for those that don't have or wish to bring their off road 4x4.

Depending on weather, your 4 x4 ideally needs to be suitable for crossing rivers and driving up the riverbed.

Full briefing and share rides will be arranged on the Wed night at 7pm via Zoom

WHERE: We are hunting private and public land  which is 1 hour drive from Twizel to Glen Lyon Station, then 1 hour 4x4 to Kennedy hut then 1 hour 4x4 river bash to the campsite river permitting.

COST:  $75 per person plus you need to bring your own food etc. NZDA Members only
(This money will go towards the station hunting cost and the hire of radios for safety)

There is a fly in option from Glentanner Park $375 pp but it requires 5 people so indicate if that is an option for you at registration, and we will see if we have enough people - if it goes ahead you just pay that cost on the day.

DETAILS: Camping by the vehicles so bring some home comforts plus all your normal hunting gear.

For those bringing rifles please ensure they are sighted in before the trip as there is no where to shoot on way up as other hunters will be in the lower blocks. Please ensure that when transporting rifles that the new firearms act and NZDA guidelines are followed.

It will be cold and we may even get snow so be prepared for the change in seasons with winter not far away.

Sorry no dogs allowed on this hunt

We are limited in numbers with 8 being minimum and 12 rifles max.

We will make a weather call on the Wed at the Zoom meeting to confirm if the hunt is going ahead. This is due to the river crossings and minimum numbers .

If the hunt is cancelled your payment can either roll to another trip when we have the same blocks again or refunded.

FUTHER INFO: Trip leader Phil Wilson. Contact information is by email or "Whats App" 027 270 3006 

Thanks to our supporters

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