Thursday 18th March 6.30pm

Reel Hunting Range - Cardrona Valley
See website for directions
To shoot at our range there has to be a certified Range Officer present. So we are running a Police Certified course where you can acquire your 'Range Officer' ticket*
This course is specific to our range and is different to the 'NZDA Range Officer' course, which is much more detailed and goes into range design etc
What to bring
- Please allow 2 hours
- Bring your rifle
- Hearing protection
- Sunscreen / warm clothes
- Water or something to drink
Free to members
Jono is organising this course so please text him to let him know you are keen cell 027 450 7411
Ride Share
Where possible, please share rides as there is limited parking at the range
Weather check
We will do one on the day as access to the range is via a farm track. Please check with organiser (Jono) if the weather looks marginal
* there is no certificate (yet) to show you have completed this course however you will have "range officer" added to your membership card