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  • Goat Shoot - Coronet Peak Station

Goat Shoot - Coronet Peak Station

  • 12 Dec 2020
  • 7:00 AM
  • Coronet peak Station


Registration is closed

Goat Shoot at Coronet Peak

Sat 12th Dec

Join the Annual Coronet Peak Station Goat Shoot, this event is open to both Southern Lakes and Upper Clutha Members.

We will meet 7am at the Chinese Village Arrowtown car park for a safety briefing and car pool to top of Coronet Peak. 

We have permission from the Station to shoot goats. If you are not familiar with the station, it extends right from Skippers Canyon to Arrowtown, Macetown, over the Mototapu and the back of Wanaka. However we will look to shoot the area nearest Queenstown as this is a day shoot

Groups will be allocated and each group will cover a ridge and area, Some will end up in Arrowtown where we will arrange for someone to drop you back to Coronet peak to get your vehicle back.

The NZDA Xmas BBQ and party will be held after the goat shoot at Sharons place in Lake Hayes. Bring family and partners to meet other club members.

See XMAS Event for further details.

Thanks to our supporters

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