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  • Working Bee Sept 2020

Working Bee Sept 2020

  • 22 Sep 2020
  • 27 Sep 2020
  • 3 sessions
  • 22 Sep 2020, 11:00 AM (NZST)
  • 25 Sep 2020, 3:00 PM (NZST)
  • 27 Sep 2020, 3:00 PM (NZDT)
  • Mid Greenstone Hut

Working Bee Greenstone Hut

The hut in the Greenstone needs the lead nails on the roof replaced with screws, we have some cleaning and wood chopping to do and a few general maintenance jobs; so we are looking to do the building work and lions share of the work on the weekend of the 25th - 27th Sept.

There is also a small group heading in on the 22nd Sept to wash the walls down while it is empty (as much easier).

Therefore we have a few balloted spots up Steele Creek during 20th - 30th Sept so there will be the opportunity to head in and hunt before or after the working bee.

This is a great chance for new members to go for a hunt with more experienced hunters and the chance to get to know a few club members over a whisky or beer round the table at night. These working bees are always a popular annual event

We are gathering names for those keen to organise helicopters in ($100 each way) or share rides etc

Helicopters are heading in 
Tuesday 22nd Sept
Friday 25th Sept
Sunday 27th Sept

Thanks to our supporters

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