Updates from the Southern Lakes Branch 

Dec Newsletter 



Next Meeting

Join online via Zoom

No December meeting due to Christmas

No meeting in December - next one Jan

6.30pm Bar opens
7.30pm Meeting starts
8.15pm Beer refills
8.30pm Guest Speaker (TBC)
9.30pm Drinks and Social Catch up
10.30pm End of meeting

Arrowtown Bowling Club, 6 Hertford Street,
(Next to Arrowtown Firestation) 

* Please note the Bowls Club require Vaccine Passports for us to use their facilities

Tahr Hunting in November

There were 3 successful club hunts in November:

  • Annual Club Trip - organised by Phil Wilson and Katie Dugan
  • Ladies Tahr Hunt - organised by Katie Dugan
  • Kids Tahr Hunt - organised by Andy Pedley

Thanks to everyone that helped organised these trips and for those that took the photos. Full reports and photos in next newsletter.

Coronet Peak Goat Shoot

Fri/Sat 10th & 11th Dec 2021

Join the Annual Coronet Peak Station Goat Shoot

We have permission from the Coronet Peak Station to camp on the station to shoot goats. If you are not familiar with the station, it extends right from Skippers Canyon to Arrowtown, Macetown, over the Mototapu and the back of Wanaka.

This year, weather permitting we are looking to drive in via Macetown and stay at the 8 mile hut and camp overnight on the Friday and Sat night too. This will allow us to shoot where there are more goats.

We are looking to arrange for experienced 4WD drivers to take members that don't have suitable vehicles.

This trip is nearly full so if you are keen, register your interest ASAP 

Register Interest Here

Christmas Party 

After last years successful BBQ event, we are doing it again!

We have Nathan and the famous "Frank" slow cooking some delicious cuts and a bouncy castle for the kids. Bring the family along for an afternoon BBQ and catch up.

BYO beer
BYO additional food or side dish

When: Sunday 12th December

Where: 24 Herries Lane, (off Onslow Rd), Lake Hayes Estate 

Time: 2pm onwards, Food served from 4pm (for the kids) and adults after 5pm

Please RSVP if possible to give us an idea for catering numbers - you can still turn up on the day if you forgot to RSVP, just bring some meat for the BBQ


Reading on your phone?
If you are reading the newsletter on your phone, be sure to look out for the "View Entire Message" link at the end so you don't miss out on the info.

Freeman Burn Hut Working Bee

Volunteers needed in Jan and Feb

Like many of these projects that we have done in the past, it not only gives members the opportunity to do something for the community, but it also give members a fun few days in some stunning National Park. You'll get a chance to do some hunting and get to meet other club members. (There also tends to be some great story telling and smiles over a beverage at the end of a hard days work. )

So we are looking for volunteers over Jan and Feb to help with the building work and maintenance planned for this hut.

Read more on this link

Are you a Fly-Fishermen?

Message from David Jacobs

For any members that tie their own flies, he has elk and whitetail deer fur off-cuts for free.

Contact David at The Taxidermist

(Normally emails work best as he sometimes can't answer the phone if working)

Upper Spey Working Bee

Thanks to Simon, Caroline, Jake and Paul who helicoptered into "soaking wet" Fiordland to complete the work done last year.

Read more about the hut repairs done last June HERE

Although a very wet and sandfly filled weekend, they said they had fun and even managed to head out for a hunt.

Minutes from 26th Nov 2021


Apologies from:- 

Andy Pearson, Nathan Wise, Simon Brackstone, Melissa Jager, Jake Woodward, Phil Wilson, Alex Ritchie, Dennis Schippers

Minutes from last meeting:-

Minutes were sent out in the last newsletter on the 22nd Nov 

Moved a true and accurate account by Ken Howie and Lance Bonkovich

General Correspondence In:-

  • Notification about the Regional Meeting however this got postponed till the new year date TBC

  • We discussed the "Get Outdoor competition" that was on and people were to tag pics with #GOWeekNZ

  • We received a letter re our concession fee for the DOC huts – no price increase which is great 

  • National Office are looking for stories about the good things clubs do – volunteer work, training etc . This is so we have articles in response the the forest and bird "PR machine" and can actually show hunters do good things too 
    Let Sharon know if you are able to pen anything short if you have recently been on a working bee etc. Does not need to be long and we can spell check for you, photos will be good too

General Correspondence Out:-

  • Replies to above
  • We applied for a $1000 "Wellness Grant" to help pay for transport to the Goat Shoot, basically grants for groups to get into the outdoors, learn new skills and meet new people
    Note from Sharon - We were successful in our application!
  • Lots of hut cancellations due to Aucklanders still not able to travel
  • We sent an email to DOC asking why the Greenstone and Caples Ballots were not available year round - this is in response that deer numbers in the RHA is growing so we want to suggest a solution - no reply as yet

Presidents Update:-

Andy was sick so unable to attend the meeting, however Al (Vice President) stepped in and presented certificates from the National Photo Comp and Douglas Score course

Sub Committees

Great to see volunteers helping with the various sub committees. There are no conditions to belong to any of these, in fact we encourage as many members to help where they can

Branch Committee:-

We held a committee meeting mid Nov (a reminder that anyone is free to join the committee and listen in or help where they can)

  • We discussed the HUNTS program and that we needed some more instructors (If you are keen to be one, please contact Pete Henderson)
  • We looked at more club shoots next year and one for kids too, Dates TBC
  • We also chatted over the upcoming Freeman Burn Hut and that Simon is the lead LBP on this project. We will need a significant volunteer core to do this project.

HUNTS Committee (HUnter National Training Scheme)

Congrats to all the graduates from the Hunts course. Katie handed out the certificates for the trainees. We also acknowledged the volunteer time that Katie, and Melissa put into the training program and the help from Stephen, Shaun and Pete to make it such a successful course.

As we mentioned in the last newsletter, Pete is now employed by the National Office so can no longer be the branch liaison. Katie has put her hand up to step up and is now the new branch HUNTS co-ordinator - Congrats!

Stoat Trapping Committee

Simon Brackstone was unable to attend the meeting however work has started on the stoat trap re-alignment and will continue next year.

Sol Fenstra one of our newer (and younger) members headed up Steele Creek and collected and carried 12 traps back to the Steele Creek bivy and 3 back to the main hut. Awesome effort!

Next stage is to repair the broken ones and install them in areas where they are needed.  

Simon has been working with the local DOC office and we have now got the agreement in place with DOC that allows us to do this. We in return get heli landing concessions and ballot availability in the Steele Creek RHA (recreational hunting area). It is a win, win relationship.

If you are keen to help with the traps in the new year contact Sharon or Simon

This was in last months newsletter but have left here in case you didn't get a chance to read it last time

Background to the Stoat Traps 

The trap line was first established in 2009 with an initial circa 70 traps deployed over approximately 14 kilometres with 200m spacing within the Greenstone Valley and up to the head of the Steele Creek Valley. The trap line has had reasonably regular attendance with traps being cleared and rebaited on average 3 to 4 times per year since deployment. The trap line predominantly sits on DOC Crown Land with a small section running through LINZ land within the Mt Aspiring National Park.

The trap line is established and operated under a Community Services Agreement between the Southern Lakes Branch of the New Zealand Deerstalkers (SLBNZDA) and DOC and has support from DOC and the Whakatipu Wildlife Trust.

Trap catch data is captured and maintained using TrapNZ, the National NZ Standard for monitoring predator control and managing biodiversity data, and is currently administered by Simon Brackstone.

Benefits to the SLBNZDA to maintain the Trap Line -

  • It is an opportunity for good press, good will and it backs up how conservation minded the Branch is and strengthens the relationship with DOC.
  • It has given us improved helicopter access to the Greenstone hunting block.
  • By logging our data in Trap NZ we make ourselves available to receive expert advice on Whio for example, and open ourselves up to the possibility of applying for research funding opportunities for projects like materials, grants or cameras.
  • It is a point of positive inclusion and consolidation for hunters involved in Predator Free 2050.
  • Good communication and data sharing for the area.

We raised over $8,000 at the National Conference to put towards our trapping program and Whio protection.

Current Summary & Challenges of the Trap Line

  • Trap status is based upon recent Audit by Simon Brackstone, September 2021
  • Total number of trap locations on data base = 61 (GPS recorded positions)
  • Total recorded kills to date of predators (including possums) are 252 (see historical kill records).
  • Recent evidence confirms that Kea are now having a major impact on the trap line. They have identified the traps as fun and as a source of food, have tipped traps over thereby setting off the mechanism, rolled some into rivers, off cliffs, stolen bait and in some cases damaged mesh box ends.
  • 13 traps have been lost to floods and land slides.
  • 46 traps are rusty or have compromised mechanisms and or damaged mesh ends and will deteriorate further over time.
  • The length of the trap line, especially above Steele Creek, is challenging to efficiently check and rebait when walking in, on only an overnight trip.

Given the current status of the trap line, the presence of Keas affecting the traps, and the need to repair and replace some traps, we suggest improving the current trap line in line with DOC Community Services Agreement to make it more easily accessible and able to be maintained by volunteer labour and therefore more effective.


  1. Shortening the length of the trap line to run between trap number 1 at the base of the valley and the Steele Creek Bivy. This will make it more accessible and able to be checked on an overnight trip.

  2. Adding new DOC 150 double set box traps, in between existing single set traps thus increasing the trap density from 200m apart to 100m apart, in line with DOC Best Practice. This would mean the addition of 25 new Kea proofed traps.

  3. Refurbishing and upgrading the existing reparable traps and relocating to the lower region to give a total of 38 single box set traps including
    a. A full clean and mechanism check, oil and calibration
    b. Replacing existing mesh with stainless steel Kea proof grill ends
    c. Kea brackets around the lid screw heads
    d. Securing the boxes to the ground

  4. Enhancing the current trapping program with secondary automatically resetting traps, that target possums as well as Mustelids. Say AT220 or similar (Kea proofed) which would need less maintenance and could be left for longer intervals between checks. Suggest an initial trial of 3 traps.

  5. Any traps used or introduced to be NAWAC approved (humane kill traps) and be fully Kea proof.

  6. Introducing bird monitoring using periodic bird counts to give us baseline data with which we better can measure our trap line effectiveness. This can be administered in TrapNZ and performed by Liz.

  7. Introducing kea surveys for those interested to learn how. https://survey.keadatabase.nz/

  8. Introducing predator (rat and/or stoat and/or possum) monitoring to identify main predator numbers and again measure effectiveness of program. This can also be documented in TrapNZ. Tracking tunnels can be made, ink cards are $16 for 5 cards.

  9. Implementation of an annual trap maintenance check to properly clean, repair, calibrate and inspect the traps and identify any improvements in specific trap placement or position that could be beneficial, ie improving trap placement of traps that tend get flooded out in heavy rainfall, or moving a trap with a poor catch history.

Secretaries Report:-

  • Sharon reminded everyone that club shirts are available for purchase see the website  A great Xmas present for someone??
  • Reminded everyone about the upcoming Goat shoot and Xmas party - keep an eye on the emails and website for more info
  • The A&P show has been cancelled so no fundraiser venison burgers this summer :-(
    Do you have someone keen to learn about marketing? Maybe a kid wanting to get into this field of work?
    Sharon is happy to show someone the ropes, tutor them and by helping with the NZDA website, newsletter, social media etc is a great way to learn as well as an additional skill to a CV. 
    Limited skills are fine just a willingness to learn and you can't get fired from this job! (Believe me I have tried!)
    If you or someone are keen to help, contact Sharon

Treasurers Report:-

Balance to date: $64,604

Hut fees: $1250 taken since the last meeting

Noted that we will get a refund from the Lake Hayes Show $188 paid last month 

Bills to pay:

  • Fielden Trap stuff $881.36 - Due now
  • DOC concession Mgt Fee $287.50 - Due now
  • Tahr Hunt accom to be paid $850 (covered by cost of weekend) - Due now
  • Sausages for Tahr hunt to be paid $20 - Due now
  • Ladies Hunt accom $800 total (covered by cost of weekend) - Due now
  • $50 voucher for Branden (leaving pressie) - Paid

TOTAL $2888.86

Radios hire – invoice still to come

Rifles to be serviced – Price unknown yet

Motion to pay by Ken Howie and 2nd by Mac Rocha

Memberships Update:-

Paid up members: 187 paid up 

New Members: Welcome to the following new members since last meeting

James Ingham moved over from Upper Clutha, and Elisa Stanles who joined at the ladies hunt

General Business

Covid Vaccine Passports

Monthly Meetings

We meet at the local bowling club (and they do NOT charge us for the use) and the national bowls society have asked that anyone on their premises is double vaccinated.

Without getting into the ethics or arguments for this requirement, we are guests at their premises so will need everyone attending a meeting at this venue to hold a Covid passport. 

It's still a new concept but rather than scan everyone (which will take time) I believe we are able to take a random sample each month at the start of the meeting. 


At level 'orange', club hunts and events where we are outdoors are fine however as we know,  things can change so we will detail the requirements on every event or update via email if needed.

Goat shoot - If you are not driving yourself - you will need a Covid passport to use the Nomad Safaris transport

Xmas Party - This is a private function of less than 50 people so at orange there is no requirement

Freeman Burn Hut working bee - this is a DOC hut so you will need a Covid passport to stay in it 

Club Huts

DOC have mandated that anyone staying at their DOC huts do require vaccine passports 

However as our private huts in the Greenstone and Caples sleep under 25 people (and also no warden to check) I think we fall under the accommodation category (see Covid link) so we don't need vaccine passports, however we will update the website in the next few weeks and ask that people are respectful if sharing the hut with others and wear a mask if requested by the other party.

Most of the time our huts are sole occupancy so people tend to have the hut to themselves anyway, certainly the Mid Greenstone is less popular and often empty

Meeting ended 

Hunting and Wildlife Magazine

Summer Edition

Prefer a Printed Copy?

You can order your printed copy of NZDA
Hunting & Wildlife Magazine
and have it delivered to your home address


$10 a copy


$29 for 4 x editions

Back issues of the magazine are also available for purchase.

Don't forget to send in your hunting images & stories. Vouchers received for articles published

National Newsletter 

The National Newsletters from the team in Wellington are getting bigger and better and contain lots of great articles and up to date news. Make sure you take time to read it, if not, go back and find it in your emails. 

(This normally gets send at the end of the month and it should get delivered to your email address.)

If you are not receiving this - your email address at head office may be different to the one the local club has, let us know.

Link to all past editions

Social Media

Join the conversations:-

Alternatively connect with other members in the private facebook chat group

Branch Committee and Contacts

Branch President
   Andy Pearson      027 292 5492 

Vice President(s) Shared 
    Nathan Wise    021 792 010
   Alasdair Gay   021 034 4671

   Sharon Salmons     021 942328

Treasurer & Hut Bookings
   Roger Slow     027 281 3571

Immediate Past President 
   Jacques Olivier     027 680 0577

   Melissa Jager     027 392 3692

HUNTS training co-ordinators
   Pete Henderson     0204 144 9272
   Shaun Moloney     027 442 1605
   Katie Dugan    021 181 1569
   Melissa Jager     027 392 3692

Chief Range Co-ordinator
   Stephen Dobinson     027 553 3991

Stoats Traps
   Simon Brackstone     021 949 669
   Liz Mathieson  021

Advocacy (Hunter Access)
  Dave Rider      021 969 350

Trophy Custodian
   Alex Ritchie       021 0248 7086

Douglas Scorers
   Course to be held 9th Oct 2021    

Extra Committee Members
   Nick Haprov      021 176 5938
   Andy Pedley       021 606 545
   Stephen Dobinson   027 553 3991

General Enquiries


  021 942 328

PO Box 1648, Queenstown, 9348

Club Bank Account

ASB: 12-3405-0071329-00

Copyright © 2021 Southern Lakes NZDA, All rights reserved.