Updates from the Southern Lakes Branch 

May 2024 Newsletter Part 2

I pressed send and forgot to add these bits to the newsletter - Whoops!

If you missed part 1 read it here 

Next Meeting



Join online via Zoom

Agenda for the next club night

6.30pm Pot Luck Dinner

7.45pm AGM (voting in new committee)

8.00pm Meeting starts (Shortened tonight)

8.45pm Beer and food refills

9.00pm Meeting attendance prizes drawn 

9.15pm Judging & Results of Antler, Tusk & Horn Competition

9.30pm Drinks and Social Catch up

10.30pm End of meeting


Arrowtown Bowling Club, 

6 Hertford Street, (Next to Arrowtown Firestation) 

MEDIA RELEASE from the Game Animal Council

10 May 2024

Forest & Bird and Fiordland Wapiti Foundation agree to pause legal action and work together on wapiti herd future

Forest & Bird and the Fiordland Wapiti Foundation have agreed to pause legal proceedings over the management agreement between DOC and the Foundation over how the wapiti herd is managed.

Forest & Bird Society earlier asked for a judicial review of the management agreement between DoC and Fiordland Wapiti Foundation, which allows the Wapiti Foundation to control deer numbers, manage a wapiti herd, and carry out other pest-control and conservation work in Fiordland National Park.

The parties have now asked the High Court to temporarily adjourn the proceedings until a later date.

The pause will allow the parties and DOC to investigate a way of managing wapiti which meets both organisations’ interests.

The wapiti management agreement will remain in force during the adjournment.

Forest & Bird and the Wapiti Foundation are pleased with the pause on legal action.

“Forest & Bird welcomes the opportunity to work with the Wapiti Foundation and DOC on this critical issue,” Forest & Bird Chief Executive Nicola Toki said.

“There have been inaccurate suggestions that Forest & Bird’s legal action is aimed at exterminating wapiti, with speculation the judicial review could even mean the end for all game animals,” Ms Toki said.

“I want to say now these suggestions are incorrect. Forest & Bird initiated the legal action to clarify the legality of the wapiti management agreement.

“Rather than going to court, we now want to discuss the issue with the Wapiti Foundation and DoC to agree on a solution that protects our precious native biodiversity and maintains the integrity of Fiordland National Park.

“We don’t believe that solution would require the extermination of wapiti.  We expect the herd will continue to provide an important hunting opportunity and the Fiordland Wapiti Foundation would continue its valuable conservation work, “said Ms Toki.

Both organisations agree that the adjournment will also allow them to explore the possibility of designating the wapiti herd as a Herd of Special interest as defined under the Game Animal Council Act 2013.

Wapiti Foundation spokesman Roy Sloan says the decision to pause legal action is good news.

“The Wapiti Foundation stands for conservation and hunting and it would be disappointing for two conservation groups to end up in court arguing over who has the best solution to protecting our precious environment.

“A judicial review would waste Forest & Bird, the Wapiti Foundation’s and DoC’s money and time, diverting funding and key personnel from the front line where all three organisations are doing much needed conservation work,” Roy Sloan said.

“The Foundation’s work is a great example of hunters giving back to conservation and the wider community.  

“What we do in Fiordland has proven the most effective way of reducing and managing deer numbers, as well as trapping predators and maintaining tracks and huts for all park visitors.

“This is both protecting Fiordland’s ecosystem and saving DoC significant amounts of money, which is important when the department is facing hefty budget cuts and hundreds of job cuts.

“We look forward to finding a solution that not only meets the needs of both organisations, but more importantly, safeguards our precious wildlife and flora.” Mr Sloan said.

NZDA National Conference

The National Conference is in Wellington in July and some of the committee are attending 

For the conference handbook, branch presidents have to submit a report so below is Andys Report:-

Southern Lakes Branch Report 2024
Prepared by Andy Pearson

Key members/Branch contacts are as follows at May 2024:

  • ·         Chairman/President:         Andy Pearson
  • ·         Patron:                           Nil
  • ·         Treasurer:                       Roger Slow
  • ·         Secretary:                       Sharon Salmons
  • ·         Vice President(s):           Alasdair Gay, Katie Dugan
  • ·         Membership Officer:        Melissa Jager
  • ·         Branch Life member(s):   Nil
  • ·         Trapping and working bee coordinator David Rider
  • ·         Hunts coordinators          Katie Dugan/Shaun Maloney

This past year like all others has been a busy one. The club has been riding a wave and looking back it’s a wonder members find time to actually get out and hunt outside of club events. But as they say with success comes challenges-and for us a reminder that promoting the ethics of hunting is just as important as promoting hunting itself.   

We have unfortunately lost Eon Lewis our last life member of the club who past away peacefully a few months ago in Queenstown. He was founding member of the club and our condolences have gone out to the family and our appreciation for his life time of effort and support of the club.

In partnership with a local farmer and through the tireless work of dedicated members we have managed to secure access to a new field rifle range with shared facilities that will see us able to shoot out to 600 meters. We believe this will be a big draw card for the club and hope that it will bring in new members and give us the chance to host training and competitions. 

This year we have managed to pull off two ladies hunts, two conservation management hunts, two hut working bees, , two goat shoots, a hunts course, an Introduction to Thar hunting weekend, a trip down to support the Wapiti weekend, a competition shoot with the Fiordland firearms club, 6 trap monitoring rounds and a blinder of a Christmas party.

Competitions this year; 1 competition shoot in Te Anau against the Fiordland Firearms club, the annual roaring and AHT and photographic competitions and the national goat shooting harvest competition.

We have a conservation management agreement with the Department of Conservation to manage the old Mid greenstone and Upper Caples huts as well as operate a 7.5km predator control line in the greenstone and steel creek valleys, with traps at 200 to 100m spacings.

Due to the longstanding (nearly 15 years operation of this line we are down to a minimal trap kills each year which seem to be holding the numbers in check. This year we have completely rebuilt the entire trap line with replacement mechanisms/ boxes etc and now have 6 AI controlled AT220 possum traps operating full time. So far these have dispatched 80 Possums since activation in September.

As part of our management agreement with DOC we supply an activity report annually and last years figures are as follows: A total of 4,572 hours recorded on volunteer efforts for this management activity. So at $23.15/hr as the minimum adult wage this equates to $105,841.80 of contributions to the conservation estate. The club spent a total of $59,500.31 during the year under the management agreement and hut repairs/consumables/helicopters/trap expenses, with funding from Club members, grants and the cash flow from the hut accommodation activity. This does not include the other club activities it undertakes.

The huts received some major renovations with the Greenstone hut double glazed, underfloor insulation and new internal layout and deck spaces. The Caples has new flooring, new fireplace and underfloor insulation. The public feedback on the huts is amazingly positive and they are becoming the go to places for the valley trampers and hunters.

Aaron Shaw a club member has created a solid relationship with the Wakatipu youth trust who now use our huts for Whakatipu youth and mentoring work and outdoor skills training.

While we continue to promote a good working relationship with the local Department of Conservation we are frustrated by the constant use of 1080 in the Dart and Caples catchments and see this as a bone of contention going forward. That alongside the Forest and Bird attack on the Fiordland Wapiti foundation will be the big issues to navigate this year, as that case could have damming effects for our own management agreement.

I would like to thank our Board members and the club members who have given their time to promote and support the club this year. Of special mention, Sharon Salmons our secretary who holds all things club related together. Katie for running the hunts courses. Roger Slow for keeping the accounts in order and looking after the hut bookings/keys. Dave Rider for his work in organising the hut renovations, the refurbishment of the trap lines and clearing the Steel Creek Track after significant treefall. Shaun Maloney for his dedication in getting the range up and running. Al for keeping me on task during committee meetings and helping to arrange managements hunts. Nathan for his eagerness to create and star in a new role of social engineer. Dave and Sarah Veitch for their dedication to the club by helping out with anything and everything and to Aaron Shaw for getting the Wakatipu Youth wilderness weekends of the ground.  

It's easier when you have a great team.


Andy Pearson

Current President


National Competitions

There are a number of categories (photos, stories, as well as the AHT) in the annual national competitions judged at the conference

We encourage branch members to enter. Check out the categories here

Closing date is the 28th June 

Branch Committee and Contacts

The AGM in May is when we get to vote in a new committee, if you are keen to be involved please contact Sharon 

Branch President
   Andy Pearson      027 292 5492 

Vice President(s) Shared 
    Katie Dugan    021 181 1569 
   Alasdair Gay   021 034 4671

   Sharon Salmons     021 942328

Treasurer & Hut Bookings
   Roger Slow     027 281 3571

Immediate Past President 
   Jacques Olivier     027 680 0577

   Melissa Jager     027 392 3692

HUNTS training 

   Katie Dugan    021 181 1569
   Pete Henderson     0204 144 9272
   Shaun Moloney     027 442 1605
   Melissa Jager     027 392 3692
   Dave Veitch   027 654 1023
   Alex Ritchie       021 0248 7086

Stoats Traps
   Simon Brackstone     021 949 669
   Liz Mathieson  

Advocacy (Hunter Access)
  Dave Rider      021 969 350

Trophy Custodian
   Alex Ritchie       021 0248 7086

Douglas Scorers
   Katie Dugan
   Shaun Moloney
   Wayne Patterson
   Phil Ballam
   Callum King
   Aaron Shaw

Extra Committee Members
   Dave & Sarah Veitch   027 654 1023

Social Media

Join the conversations:-

Alternatively connect with other members in the private facebook chat group

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